Search for genes with particular protein domains, expression patterns, phenotypes, GO terms or human disease associations (WS294).
Enter gene identifiers like WormBase gene IDs, locus names, or gene/protein sequence names separated by commas. You can use * as wildcard to search for multiple genes at once. Learn More
Enter domain abbreviations or SMART/Pfam IDs to search for specific protein domains. In the domain pattern field you can define complex domain patterns. Learn More
The expression fields use a defined vocabulary and features autosuggest. However, you can search using any word. The Genomic Studies field contains data from single-cell RNAseq or enrichment analysis studies. Learn More
The Genetic position is measured in map units (~ -25 to +25). The Nucleotide position is measured in base pairs (0 to ~20,500,000 for the largest chromosome).
The description field includes both legacy and automated descriptions from WormBase. The phenotype field uses a defined vocabulary and features autosuggest. You can search using any word, not just the suggested terms. Learn More
This search field uses a defined vocabulary and features autosuggest. You can search using any word, not just the suggested terms. For this field, make sure to use semicolon ; (and not comma ,) to separate each additional term. Learn More
This search field uses a defined vocabulary with autosuggest function. You can search using any word, not just the suggested terms. Learn More